
Gain of feed intake and lifeweight in piglets.

In broilers, gain of feed intake and lifeweight at slaughter of more than 3%.
In commercial layers, improvement of the laying rate at the end of the cycle.
Gain of feed intake and lifeweight in piglets.
In broilers, gain of feed intake and lifeweight at slaughter of more than 3%.
In commercial layers, improvement of the laying rate at the end of the cycle.
By its different biochemical structure (sodium butyrate linked to buffer factors), BUTYLin 54 acts in the upper spheres of the digestive tract (stomach, duodenum).
Its effect in these two organs allows a double action of enzymatic activator and protector of the intestinal cell improving digestibility and digestive safety.
Stimulation endogenous enzymatic productions:
Optimal supply of amino acids and peptides of intestinal cells.
Gain of digestibility of the diet.
Multiplication of intestinal sites and proteins:
Increase of the potential of absorption of duodenum-jejunum.
Increase of absorption surface (intestinal villosity).
Strengthening intercellular bridges.
Protection and regeneration of enterocytes.
Improvement of zootechnical performances:
Gain of viability.
Feed intake benefit.
Optimization of the Feed Conversion Ratio.
Increase of animal's growth.
Gains in palatability of the feed (piglets benefit from suckling to grow better and mortality is reduced as their immune system is better developed.)
Acceleration of digestive maturation in young animals (piglets 1stage and 2nd age, chicks, pullets, lambs, calves for fattening...)
Rapidity of digestive adaptation to feed transition phases (sows).
Valorization of the diet and increase of feed intake (sows, broilers, hens at the end of laying period).
New strategies for more economical formulations: reduction of proteins levels, energy and amino acids; safe stuff material and more available for the market (poultry, pigs).